Theo10® Baby Lotion (250mL)

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Theo10 Baby Lotion is specially formulated for babies. For intensive moisturizing, it is formulated with organic ingredients to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and is suitable for body and face. Suitable for newborn and eczema prone skin.

Healthy skin is biologically slightly acidic at pH 5.5 because of skin surface called acid mantle. The delicate skin of a new born is lacking this protective acid mantle which would be established during the first few months of life. Newborns have delicate skin that is vulnerable to irritation and dryness. Although it does not require additional moisturization very often, the skin does get dry after baths and may require a small amount of moisturizer to replenish the natural skin oils lost due to bathing or dry air, hence it is recommended.


- Organic Coconut Oil (Cold Pressed)

- Aloe Barbadensis Miller (200x concentrate)

- Ceramide (Rice Bran sourced)

- Vegetable Glycerine (USP Grade)

- Cherry Blossom Extracts

- Distilled Water


- Newborn babies are born with a waxy layer of protection called vernix. It is to protect its skin from the amniotic fluid in the womb. Vernix would start peeling off in the first few weeks after birth which would have an appearance of dry and flaky skin. While the skin beneath is moist enough, you can use Theo10®️Baby Lotion if the baby seems to have dry skin especially around the joints including the ankles, elbows and even hands.

- Baths can dry the baby’s skin, so use Theo10®️ Baby Lotion after baths.Clean your hands thoroughly and take a small amount and spread it on the palms and fingers of your hands. Gently massage your baby’s body to spread it evenly all over.

- Take extra care to apply on dry areas such as ankles, elbows and hands. Avoid using more than one product

- Make sure you do not have sharp nails when applying as you may scratch the baby’s skin.

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