Theo10® Toilet Spray (250mL)

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Theo10® Poly-Organic Odorizing Purifier uniquely having the duo function to disinfect and deodorize effectively, it firstly and almost immediately kills the germs, bacteria and viruses; before refilling the enclosed room with a refreshing and calming scent of French Lavender. It is gentle on skin and suitable for all ages with sensitive skin.


- Benzalkonium Chloride (0.05%)

- French Lavender Essential Oil


- Kills up to 99.999% germs and bacteria


- Bathrooms

- Hard surface areas

How it works:

When applied to the surface by wiping or spraying, it leaves behind a mono-molecular layer that permanently bonds to the surface. These molecules are antimicrobial, silane based polymers that covalently bond to the surface forming a barrier of positively charged microscopic pins. The positively charged microscopic pins attract negatively charged pathogens. These pins pierce the negatively charged pathogens that they attract and ruptures the cell walls and causes it to break up with lethal effect.

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