Simply Rocks - Amethyst & Quartz

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Simply Rocks Flagship Store
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Description: Cluster of lustrous and glassy Amethyst up to 20mm with Quartz from Iraí, Brazil.

Dimensions: 10cm X 7cm X 3cm

Size: Cabinet

Locality: Irai, Brazil

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Metaphysical Properties:


Amethyst is often associated with metaphysical properties such as spirituality, peace, clarity of mind, and protection against negative energies. It’s believed to promote emotional balance, intuition, and inner strength, making it popular in meditation practices and spiritual rituals. The stone is also thought to help with overcoming addictions and fostering a sense of tranquillity. 

Zodiac Association: Aquarius

Amethyst is considered good for Aquarius individuals because it aligns with several traits associated with this zodiac sign. Aquarians are often known for their innovative thinking, humanitarian nature, and independent spirit. Amethyst is believed to enhance these qualities by promoting mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual growth, which can aid Aquarians in their quest for knowledge and self-discovery. Additionally, amethyst’s calming and balancing energies may help Aquarians maintain their emotional equilibrium amidst their active and sometimes unpredictable lifestyles.


Quartz is renowned for its powerful metaphysical properties. Here are some key aspects:

1.    Amplification: Quartz is known as a powerful energy amplifier. It can enhance the energy or intent programmed into it, making it a versatile tool for various spiritual practices.

2.    Healing: Often referred to as the “master healer,” quartz is believed to aid in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It can cleanse and balance the body’s energy systems.

3.    Clarity and Focus: Quartz is said to help clear the mind, improve concentration, and enhance memory. It’s often used in meditation to connect with higher consciousness and gain deeper insights.

4.    Protection: Quartz can also be used for protection, creating a shield against negative energies and environmental pollutants.

5.    Versatility: Due to its ability to resonate with all chakras, quartz can be used in various forms of energy work, including balancing and aligning the chakras.

Zodiac Association: Leo; Capricorn

Quartz is known for its healing properties and is considered the “master healer.” It’s beneficial for all zodiac signs but especially recommended for Leo and Capricorn. For Leo, ruled by the Sun, Quartz amplifies and purifies, while for Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, it resonates with their structured nature. Quartz is versatile and can be used to benefit anyone’s spiritual and healing journey.







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