Simply Rocks - Citrine

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Description:  Citrine itself is not a rare mineral and have been reported to from countries spanning from Brazil to as far as Australia, this yellow-green Citrine crystal with smoky phantoms is a rare variation and what caused the colour is still unclear from available literature on this particular variation of Citrine. Regardless the burst of intense lemon-yellow and the diffusion of the colour into different hues of brown makes this Citrine a stunning and aesthetic piece to collect.

Dimensions:  8 × 2.5 × 2 cm

Size: Small Cabinet

Locality: Olkhovka, Russia

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Metaphysical Properties:

Citrine, as a vibrant yellow variety of Quartz, carries powerful metaphysical properties:

-Joy and Abundance: Its yellow hues symbolize joy and abundance.

-Transmutation: Citrine facilitates energy transfers, earning it the nickname “the Merchant’s Stone.”

-Spiritual Light: It spreads positive, energetic light, making it one of the few crystals that do not need recharging.

 -Creative Energy: Citrine ignites creativity and balances energies within individuals.

Zodiac Association: Aries; Gemini; Leo

With its strong association to the sun, Citrine brings warm and positivity and abundance. It is often considered a stone of manifestation and prosperity. Citrine fires up creativity and maintain the balance of energies, boost self-confidence, and serves a conduit for success. Additionally, it is thought to have cleansing and healing properties.

 Citrine is often considered beneficial for Gemini, Aries, and Leo due to its unique properties that align well with the characteristics and needs of these zodiac signs:

 1.    Gemini: Known for their quick thinking and intellectual curiosity, Geminis can sometimes struggle with indecisiveness and overthinking some issues. Citrine helps by providing mental clarity, boosting self-esteem, and aiding decision-making with confidence.

 2.    Aries: As a passionate and assertive fire sign, Aries individuals often face challenges related to impatience and impulsiveness. Citrine’s energy promotes patience, focus, and facilitate the constructive use of their energies, guiding them on a path to achieve their goals more effectively. Citrine is widely believe to bring abundance and prosperity for Aries individuals.

3. Leo: Leos are creative, passionate, and natural leaders and these qualities are supported and exemplified by Citrine whenever there is an occasion to bring out a Leo’s natural star quality. Citrine enhances these traits by increasing their personal power and drive, encouraging creativity, and supporting their natural leadership qualities.


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