Jewel Coffee Coffee Beans - Brazil Range

(0 reviews)

$18.00 - $59.00
$17.10 - $51.92

Packing Size:

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Jewel Coffee Flagship Store
(1 customer reviews)

This coffee have the typical features of South Minas coffees and more.

It has pronounced body and sweetness, excellent aroma and moderate acidity.

The quality is controlled at all stages of production, from planting to harvesting, processing and shipment.

The estate’s agronomists are trained to understand how growing techniques influence cup quality.

Harvesting is staged according to the degree of maturation of the cherries.

Processing is monitored throughout by means of samples taken at key operations like drying and grading.

Quality control is performed by trained cuppers who run the farm’s coffee quality laboratory.

The estate cuppers interact with traders to learn about coffee market requirements and consumption trends.

Cup Characteristics: Honey, Nutty, Creamy

Varietal: Yellow Bourbon

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